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Philippe Stroesser

Senior Partner

Born on October 30, 1969 in Barr. French national. Philippe Stroesser has been admitted to the Luxembourg Bar in 1993.

He obtained the certificate of English legal studies at the University of Leicester in 1991 and the master’s degree in private law at the University of Strasbourg in 1992.

He was a lawyer from 1993 to 1996 and has been an attorney-at-law since 1996.

Is a member of the Luxembourg association of criminalist lawyers as well as a former member of the board of international judges of the international federation of motorcycle racing and a former chairman of the legal committee of the Luxembourg motorcycle racing federation.

Speaks French, English, German and Luxembourgish.

Specialized in criminal law, civil law (with the accent on divorce), labour law and sports law.

Philippe Stroesser