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Civil law

As specialists in contract law, we cover all aspects relating to defects in consent (error, fraud or violence) that justify the annulment, termination, rescission for non-performance or compulsory execution of contracts. Several of our lawyers are experts in tort law and contractual liability, and can also guide you in the event of an accident and the damages suffered.

Einer unserer weiteren Schwerpunkte ist das Familienrecht. So können wir Sie bei Scheidungen, bei der Änderung oder Auflösung eines Güterstandes oder in Fragen der Abstammung beraten.

Finally, we are also active in the field of inheritance law, both in cases of testamentary succession and intestate succession (in the latter case in the absence of a will, and including all related disputes). On several occasions, we have also succeeded in obtaining court rulings to annul wills and disguised gifts.